Garden fresco from dining room in villa of Livia, wife of Augustus, c. 1st cent. BCE.
Garden fresco from dining room in villa of Livia, wife of Augustus, c. 1st cent. BCE.
John Constable’s Wivenhoe Park, Essex (1816).
National Gallery of Art.
Starving polar bear in a warming Arctic.
By Andreas Weith - Own work.
Licensed under: CC BY-SA 4.0.
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Industrial peat harvesting in a section of the Bog of Allen in County Offaly.
Encompassing researchers from the humanities and sciences, Critical Anthropocenes is a cross-disciplinary group that focuses on exploring and critiquing traditions of thought about the natural environment in a broad range of socio-historical contexts in order to deepen understanding of the urgent ecological issues facing the earth and its inhabitants today.